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I Feel the Love

Sitting out on my patio, enjoying the fabulous Arizona weather I cannot help but be overwhelmed with determination and drive because of my friends, fans, and co-workers I feel like my journey in life will be better than I ever imaged. Before I felt like a one-man army.

Mission: The Hopes and Dreams of My Childhood

Code Name: Baby Elf

Now, I am surrounded by those whom I feel inherently care, just as much as I do. If I may get a little personal. I have the pleasure of witnessing a community of people bonded by a rough past with a promise to the themselves to live a bright future. Their acceptance of themselves and the struggle of their lives makes them one of the most inspiring communities I have ever had the pleasure of feeling a part of. When I announced my dream of being a fantasy fiction author, they couldn’t wait to watch me walk that path. When I asked them to look at my website and invited them to my Facebook the response was encouraging and I have never felt so grateful.

Settling on a Release Date

It was not long ago when I looked at one of the drafts of my manuscript and almost published it as is. I uploaded it, fingers hovering over the keyboard, perspiration on my brow, I nearly clicked submit. What stopped me was this feeling that I have now; I didn’t have this feeling back then.

Yah, the manuscript was good but it was not my standard great, yah, the plot was amazing but it wasn’t my high standard amazing. Did I have a plan of action and the ambitious and confidence to publish; no!

At that moment I didn’t. At that moment I had no idea of what I wanted to be to those who read my novel. Did I want to be a quick purchase for a long flight? Sure but is that really all I wanted to be.

When I read fantasy it was like an escape, a journey I could never achieve in the real world, and my authors were all gods to their utopias.

Never Neverland

Middle Earth




I wanted to create my utopia and be someone’s journey through a foreign land. Experience life through the eyes of the most courageous, sinister, wealthy, and deadly people of a world so unknown and unfamiliar. It is only till now that I feel I am ready! JUNE 9 th 2016 Releasing this summer! Finally, I am confident enough to say that is it finished and I am ready to invite everyone and their mom’s to Ithicca. A world entirely my own!

Comic Con

I have this message and it is bursting out of me every time I think about it. I AM GOING TO COMIC CON! Always an admirer from a distance, Comic Con has looked like an adult Disneyland to me. Characters coming alive off the pages of fiction, born in the hearts of fans the true heroes gather to purchase and party. It will be my first time and I couldn’t be more excited.

My hubby and I are planning on cosplaying. Go big or go home, right?

We just do not know what to be.

Check out Vlog 2 to find out who I am considering to cosplay for Phoenix Comic Con 2016. OH! If you haven’t already checked it out, my YouTube page :

You really should. I have 2 Vlogs and I need all the help I can get on learning how to vlog. Until next time:

Be Safe, Be Wise, Be Happy!

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