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Book Proposal Blues


If you have been following me since I started this social media shenanigans, you would know how much I want to make this work, how much I want make the connection with my readers, and how much I care about this project. I purchased this book, The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published by Arielle Eckstut David Henry Sterry, and when I arrived at the chapter about making a book proposal, I realize how small of a fish I am in the sea of writers, authors, and bloggers. Granted I am not intimidated, just different and small.

But different is supposed to be good, different is the master chief’s secret ingredient, different is contagious. Not in this sea of swimmers. Different makes me feel driven and ambitious, but not in a good way. So it brings me to my first, oh yes I said it, my first writers block.

You can gasp and gawk at me all you want but since I was 6 I have never had a writer’s block that made me stare at my computer screen and go, “ well damn!”

See I practice this awesome writing technique that I invented, “metaphorical throw up”. The process at which I just dump all my thoughts and imagination on screen and sort it out later. I want, no I pine, to write the perfect book proposal, but because I am different the area of perfect is all gray and fuzzy and I can’t quite get my writing to that level. It is frustrating and it is giving me writers block. I just want to say the right things while still capturing the vim and vigor that is me. I want ME to shine through my proposal like a lighthouse in a stormy night, and yet the pressure I add to myself has only caused me to look at my proposal and cringe with uncertainty.

The Dark Prophecy: The Chosen Three has gone through so many revisions before I read my work and said, “You are now ready my son!” For this book proposal I do not feel the same way. It doesn’t help that I am different and the all big fishes in the sea have bigger horns to toot and that damn MBA to stand on. So I am stuck with the decision of writing the proposal like I write my science or write my proposal like I write my blogs and content. Playful, hints of humor, with a squeeze of imagery or finely diced facts with a side of strict format, and a nice vinaigrette of hooks and pitches. LOL now I am hungry! What do you think, is it better to fall suite to the format or say “ I do what I want!”

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