Claudia Rose
Let’s Introduce the Stars of My New Book!
I get it, no one likes a bad guy and more than anything else I love my bad guys to be bad. Jealousy and envy, you bet. Anger and revenge, bring it on. Hunger for power and destruction, willing to blindly follow the dark wishes of their leader, you know it. If he is going to conjure and kill, then my antagonist will doing it with a scowl and piss poor attitude. Where good guys have lines they won’t cross, Sabastein doesn’t. Like him or don’t, Sabastein has what it takes to go the distance in securing his master’s release and taking Ithicca by force.
Secrets and betrayal, scheming and infiltration. Don’t be fooled at the old vanity mirror with the swirling abyss reflection, it lives in there trapped steaming with revenge. The destruction it brings to Ithicca is worth prophesizing and sacrificing for.
The real question is, how is it so powerful and what does it want?
One would normally think that Dee, the weird old lady, is not worth featuring in any blog on any page. But I am that type of author that spotlights this wrinkly cricketed croon of a woman. I have to tell you a secret, and you have to promise not to judge me. Dee’s appearance of being old and wrinkly is inspired by the anime Howl’s Moving Castle the Witch of the Wastes. Honestly, from me to you, the wrinkles and extreme sag of the Witch of the Wastes skin is by far outstanding and over the top.
I digress, Dee is no shallow character, but develops into one of the most complex characters of the chronicle.
Heart to heart, I have always associated wrinkles with wisdom and trust. Evidence of time and experience. Holding secrets of their hardships in life. Yah, I do get that whims isle.
So I have to share this! On a square napkin I tried to draw what I thought Ithicca looked like. I hung that napkin in my closet and everyday I would stare at it imaging this world and the people that inhabit it. When I commissioned a map of Ithicca drawn for me, I photographed that napkin for the artist and they gave me this masterpiece back. When I saw this my eyes welled with tears and I felt proud.